Dear NAGDA Members,
Another season has concluded with the 2015 Nationals being held at the Longmeadow Game Resort in Wiggins, Colorado. The weather was great, the field cover was as good as it has been in recent memory, the birds flew like wild, the bird planters did another super job of stocking the fields and the quality of the dogs was at an all-time high based upon the competitive scores in each division. We had competitors from Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, Washington and California. The competition was as close as I can remember in a long time.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the members for their continued support of NAGDA. You are what make our organization different and special over all the other organizations out there. We are only as good as our members make us, so THANK YOU! We have a division for everyone in the family and we consider our members to be Family.
I would like to thank the many volunteers. From the bird planters… the blind masters… the scorekeepers… the office help… the bird cleaners… to the photographer. A special thank you to Heath and Ty of Longmeadow Game Resort for hosting the event. I would also like to thank our many Sponsors: Cabelas, Alpen Optics, Sportsmen’s Warehouse, 21st Century Equipment, Leupold Optics, Remington Sporting Dog, Garmin Tri-Tronics, , Hi-Viz, Merck Pet Health, Paw Print Pedigrees, Prois Hunting, Stealth Point Kennel, Wilkins..Drolshagen..Czeshinski LLP, Bryce Mann’s Gun Dog, DLR Insurance Solutions, to name a few.
Whitney Hatfield was our photographer again this year. She did a wonderful job of capturing the moment in the field and she took over 1100 pictures. You can view and purchase the pictures on her website at:
I would like to congratulate and welcome back: Ron Moorhead for his re-election to the Board of Directors. I would also like to welcome Weston Hatfield to the Board. A special thank you to Leroy Meador for his 3 years of service as Director and Dan Hannum for his 1 year of service as Director.
Make sure to fill out the Nationals survey if you haven’t already done so. Please check our Facebook page to keep up on the latest happenings with NAGDA and feel free to make posts. Make your plans to attend the 2016 Nationals. The location and date will be announced soon.
Thank you again for making NAGDA what it is today and in the future!
Dave Hamilton
NAGDA President